Couples, put an end to destructive fights that are making you re-think your relationship.

Rekindle the flame so your relationship feels unbreakable.
With the online course, Communication Cures, you’ll get the tools to finally feel heard and respected again, and stop walking on eggshells.
Communication Cures is a self-paced course helping couples transform conflict and loneliness into the kind of connection and love you’ve always dreamed of.

After the course, you will be able to
Stop having heated fights without resolutions. You will have a practical strategy to discuss difficult issues, so you are both heard and can come to a compromise.
Be supportive listeners that can handle outside stressors together. You will know how to stop turning against each other in times of stress. Instead, you will tackle issues as a team.
Reignite the spark in your relationship. The exercises are designed to spark love, admiration, and respect.
Proactively avoid destructive fights, nurture your relationship, and feel confident that you will still be smiling and laughing together when you’re 65.
No one has time
for conflicts that go
on for days.
Have you ever started a conversation you thought would take minutes, but hours later you’re still talking in circles with your partner?
Or maybe you’ve experienced the conversation quickly becoming a conflict, and you are sitting in another room stewing and unable to concentrate because you are still focused on the fight?
We’re all super busy between our jobs, household tasks, friends, hobbies, or parenting, the last thing they need to add to their busy schedules is another drawn-out conversation about what is wrong.
Not only do the conflicts waste precious moments, but research also shows that unhappy marriages take about four years off your lifespan.
I know what it’s like to waste entire days distracted because my mind is replaying conflicts again and again.
Don’t let an unhappy relationship steal that time from you.
Do you want to continue having poor communication rob you of precious time, or do you want to make the best of your time?
And no, being single doesn’t solve that problem.
People who are happily married, actually live longer than people who don’t.
A happy relationship gives you time back.
Imagine if, conversations only took minutes…
How much more could you get done if you…
stopped having tooth-pulling conversations around problems,
trusted your partner would listen to your frustrations,
knew your partner had your back when things got hard?

You know you’re ready to do something.
You’re tired of feeling like your relationship is missing the connection you used to have in the beginning.

Can you relate to this:
It’s date night and even though you and your spouse haven’t been connecting as you used to, you don’t miss date night. It’s important to you.
You decide to mix it up, and pick a new restaurant, spend hours finding the perfect outfit and even washing your hair before the date.
As you sit down at the restaurant and order drinks, the excitement of rekindling your connection begins to fade away as you and your spouse stare awkwardly at each other not knowing what to say.
Maybe you start wondering “Wow, how did it get like this? Will this be our future? Will our relationship ever be like it used to be?”

If you’ve ever felt like the spark is gone, you’re not alone.
The good news?
You CAN learn how to communicate effectively again and reignite that spark.
If you don’t have thousands of dollars to spend on couple’s therapy, you can STILL turn things around.
That’s why I created this course: Communication Cures, where I walk you through many of the same exercises I take my client privates through (without paying $300 an hour for a session with me.)

Rekindle the flame of connection.
Learn how to talk about hard issues without the conversation turning into a fight. Look forward to a smiling, laughing and enjoying time when you go out together.
What would your life look like if you had the healthy relationship you’ve been dreaming of?
Enjoying the companionship of a warm body in bed
Going on trips to your bucket list destinations
Watching your children make families of their own and know your grandchildren?
What if you could discover 5 common mistakes that quickly turn conversations into conflict, and start having productive conversations?

In Communication Cures you get practical frameworks to help you have clear communication and address the real issues— without them turning into blowouts, so you can spend your time enjoying your life.
Hi, I’m Amber Dalsin, M.Sc., C.Psych. Psychologist Couples Therapist
Growing up, I felt invisible – no matter the grades I got, the sports trophies I brought home, or how perfect I tried to be, my brother’s addiction always overshadowed me.
I didn’t know it then, but I was starving for emotional connection. I was in my early teens when I decided I would finally find love and belonging through men. I had a problem- two opposing needs:
The need to keep the armor up around my heart, to keep me safe and protected.
The vulnerable little girl in me deeply wanted to feel seen and special to someone.
These two needs were constantly warring in my teens, until my 20s. I got married when I was 27, and 10 months later, got divorced.
From swiping on dating apps in my boss’s dark basement after my divorce, I decided to expose my heart and implement the relationship science to see if I could create the love I had always dreamed of.
Today, I’m married to the love of my life--and happier than I could ever have imagined. Our relationship is beautiful: we communicate well, prioritize connection emotionally and physically, and we have so much fun together.
Which is not to say it’s perfect. We do, of course, have conflict. But of all the amazing things about my marriage, perhaps the most amazing is the way we’ve learned to resolve those conflicts…
...and how that process makes us closer—every single time.
Getting there wasn’t easy. And it certainly wasn’t as simple as falling in love with the “right” person…
Creating the right relationship for us meant using the right tools to build our connection.
A connection like this is possible for any couple who both put in some time and effort.
Today, I want to give you those tools.
As a Psychologist and Couples Therapist, I’ve done 10,000+ hours of 1-1 client work, facilitated over 150 professional workshops, and published a handful of academic articles.
Featured in:
My career has taken me to some interesting places.
For example, I’ve been called to the stand to provide evidence as an Expert Witness in nearly half a dozen court cases. I’ve been a contributing author to the book Counselling Insights, started a podcast that now has over 300,000+ downloads, have an Instagram following of over 30,000, and done a lot of personal development.
Along the way, I’ve honed a deep understanding of what sets a relationship up to last, and what mistakes make a relationship likely to fall apart.
If you’re anything like I was, you’ve spent far too much time
reading countless relationship books
getting advice from friends
looking up hashtags on Instagram
and even desperately seeking clarity from magazine headlines.
There is a ton of relationship advice out there.
I get how overwhelming it can be to find anything that can actually help your relationship.
After 12 years of school, we learn English, math, science, art and all sorts of other things.
So why aren’t we taught basic communication skills in school?
We’re left to struggle, figuring out the biggest tool to foster love and belonging... communication. It’s not too late to learn communication strategies to improve your relationship so you can rekindle your connection.

Most people assume that learning good communication is complicated.
Want in on a little-known secret?
It can actually be really easy when you have the right formula.
Take the mystery out of good communication with Communication Cures.

Poor communication is like
a wound that can’t heal.
Like an infection, when a problem comes up repeatedly and is left unaddressed, it makes the infection fester and get worse.
Most couples wait for an average of 6 years of letting problems fester before they seek help. Why wait 6 years to get relationship help, when the infection has gotten bad and is hard to treat?
Imagine how much faster the infection would heal if you treated it as soon as the problem started?
With the 4 Pillars of Communication Cures, you can discover how to actually feel seen and heard about (almost) every topic, without giving up who you are, and finally have the stable, secure, and loving relationship you have been waiting for.
You CAN learn to communicate with your partner, even if you come from completely different life experiences like:
Feeling abandoned due to being left in the past
Growing up in a loud family
Discovering you have an internal dislike of conflict
Learning to sweep issues under the rug like your parents
Having harsh words directed at you as a child
And so much more…
Our experiences shape the way we communicate with our partners.
With a shared experience like Communication Cures, you can develop lasting strategies together.

This is the communication course you’ve been searching for.
Communication Cures helps you avoid the mistakes that become communication catastrophes.
You’ll get to the most important tools for effective day-to-day communication, so you can:
✔ Spend your time peacefully enjoying the company of your partner
✔ Learn tools to prevent blowout fights
✔ Build the skills to help you feel seen and heard
✔ Feel confident in your future together
Here’s what you’ll find inside Communication Cures:
4 Deep Dive Modules
Click to explore modules:
(Valued at $250)
This section is designed to help you identify and prevent the most toxic communication patterns that lead couples to break up.
✔ Discover the top 5 communication mistakes that could be sabotaging your relationship.
✔ Get the antidotes to these toxic patterns so you can create peaceful and loving communication.
✔ Practical strategies to stop heated fights and uncover how to finally achieve resolution.
✔ Easy-to-use worksheets to help you break destructive habits and track your progress.
(Valued at $250)
This is designed to help you add fuel to your emotional fire. Without intentionally adding fuel, all fires eventually go out. The words you say really do matter to your partner, and have an enormous impact on your overall communication.
✔ Go through a 5 Love Languages Quiz to learn how your partner can love you best. Get a practical strategy for how to implement your Love Languages into your relationship as soon as today.
✔ Laugh, smile, and melt in each other’s arms as you enjoy an exercise where you share your gratitude, love, and appreciation for each other.
(Valued at $250)
Most weeks are not made up of parties or tragedies. Most weeks are a bunch of Tuesdays all strung together in a row. These are the communication tools to help you improve your everyday communication. You get:
✔ A communication framework to use in the ups and downs of life, so you are confident that no matter the stressor, your partner will be a supportive companion at your side.
✔ Find out how to use validation as a tool to make your partner feel seen and heard around every topic (even when you disagree).
✔ Crack the code to a loving and long-lasting relationship, by learning what 6 small things to do each week so you and your partner can be friends, teammates, and lovers. Both now, and when you are sitting on your front porch drinking coffee in your rocking chairs at 90 years old.
(Valued at $250)
You get two frameworks:
✔ You get a video and a PDF guide for how to have productive conversations around issues where you disagree and have trouble compromising.
This framework will stop you from going over the same points as if you’re stuck on a hamster wheel. You will know how to get off the wheel and create compromise.
✔ Discover how to process past incidents or repair after fights.

Bonus Content
Goals Guide
(Valued at $149)
Protect your relationship by actually completing Communication Cures. With the Goals Video and PDF worksheet, you and your partner will have the tools to start, complete, and actually use the solutions presented in Communication Cures.
Lasting Legacy
(Valued at $149)
After mastering the 4 Pillars of Communication Cures, this bonus will help you grow together and create deep meaning around your future. Uncover your values and dreams as you co-create a shared vision for your life together.
Beneficial Breaks
(Valued at $97)
This is the tool you need even if you don’t want it. If your partner has ever walked away from a conflict conversation or emotionally shut down in the middle of a talk, this science-backed breaking formula gives you the steps to make taking a time-out successful.

Total Value: $1405
Regular Price: $149.99 USD
Communication Cures is a self-paced online course, delivered by:
You get access to 10 videos that cover the 4 Pillars of Communication Cures. You can watch the material at your own pace, from the comfort of your own home.
Easy-to-use worksheets and communication guides will help you break destructive habits. By using the worksheets & guides, you’ll gain tools that support loving communication.
Exercises for
Immediate Action
Practice, practice, practice. At the end of each video, you’ll get an exercise to help you implement the communication tools immediately in your relationship.

I guarantee you’ll love this course…
and I’m backing it up with a 100% risk-free guarantee.
The strategies I teach you in Communication Cures are worth their weight in gold. I can’t guarantee it will work for you because I don’t know anything about your relationship, so…
If you watched the all videos, did all the worksheets, and tried the exercises and still didn’t think Communication Cures was helpful, email us within 30 days of purchase and we will give you a full refund.

Communication Cures is for you
even if…
You’ve had heated fights with no resolutions
There are currently past wounds that have not been forgiven
One of you looks for connection and support in arguments and the other pushes away
You have a pattern of sweeping issues under the rug and pretending things are fine
You don’t understand each other
You’re wondering if you are even compatible

If you don’t work to fix your relationship now, what will it be like when you’re 65?
Every partner comes with a set of problems. You have to choose the problems you want.
Take it from me…
In the spring of 2014, the sun was thawing the ice outside, but love was not in the air.
Rather, a cool detachment was present in my marriage. After a day at work, I’d sit and study at our dining room table. He’d walk past me on the way to the kitchen without a word.
Over a period of months, as the connection and intimacy faded from our relationship, I could feel us transitioning into different roles in each other’s eyes. First, we went from lovers to friends; then from friends to roommates. Finally, we’d shifted from roommates to people who just happened to be under the same roof.
At night, we laid in bed as total strangers, and I wondered how our marriage had become a prison I wasn’t sure how to escape.
That was the spring my first marriage ended. It was the catalyst that would teach me about deep heartbreak…
...and what it takes to cultivate passionate love…
On a cold January day, curled up in bed in my boss’s dark basement, I wondered if I would ever find love again.
So, I hit the apps. I found myself sorting through messages that just said “hey”, going on dates with people where the connection fell flat or getting my hopes up just to get ghosted.
Until one day I opened my messages, and straight away, butterflies fluttered in my stomach, and my heart pounded in my chest. Right away, I knew the guy I was talking to was special.
The quiet voice inside said, “do everything you have learned in your training to be a Psychologist and Marriage and Family Therapist and you will be able to create the love you have always dreamed of.”
The first year of our relationship was like a fairy tale. Conversations easily flowed for hours, our dates were the greatest adventures of my life, and just looking at him seemed to make my whole world fall perfectly into place.
As the limerence of new love slowly wore off, the chasm between our two different communication styles became abundantly clear.
That was when the real work began…
Conversations filled with raised voices, harsh words, dismissed emotions, shutting down and icy silences alerted me that we both needed to do work to bridge the communication gap between us.
I prefer to talk things out, even when filled with emotion, and I charge head-on into conflict.
He prefers to approach things logically and calmly. In some cases, he prefers not to discuss things at all.
We knew we had to change our communication so that we could continue to build a love based on respect, loyalty, and commitment.
I was afraid our communication differences meant we were incompatible.

Like swimming, most couples have good communication in the honeymoon phase when the water is still and calm. When the storm came, we were caught out at sea and were unequipped to swim back to shore against the waves.
I had to learn:
Treat him with love and respect even when I was upset.
Understand that him not wanting to talk about something didn’t mean he didn’t love me or he didn’t care.
Recognize he processed emotions differently than me and needed breaks and time to think before he could talk things out.
He needed to learn to:
Explain his thoughts and feelings to me in conflict.
Reassure me of his love for me even when he needed time apart to think things through.
Listen to my strong emotions even when he doesn’t understand them.
Together, we have learned the tools to help us swim back to shore, even in a bad storm.
Sitting on opposite ends of the couch, you look over at your partner and you deeply want to share what’s on your heart.
Sweating and hands shaking, the past moments of being rejected flash before your eyes.
Imagine if, instead of fear, you felt confident that they heard you when you spoke the first time, and when you opened your mouth to speak, you were comforted by the warm face that looks like home...
Take the first step to improve your communication today.
Is this course a quick fix or magic solution?
No, building good communication and a lasting connection with your partner takes work.
This course will give you practical tools you can implement immediately after each module to increase the odds of feeling heard and understood.
It will help you think about if by using effective communication strategies you can make the incompatible parts of your relationship more compatible.
If you earnestly both try the strategies, work hard to make changes and you still can’t resolve old wounds you have 4 choices:
Say you’ve tried and call the relationship quits.
Stay in the relationship and keep doing the same old things on repeat.
Seek local couples therapy.
Redo the course and continue to improve your communication skills.
“Can’t we just do it on our own?”
By enrolling in Communication Cures, you are getting my 8 years of University Education, 10,000+ hours of experience working with clients, countless hours of continuing professional education, lessons from my failed marriage, and lessons from my happy and peaceful marriage.
If you do want to do it on your own, stay away from the captivating headlines on magazines at the checkout at the grocery store.
Although catchy headlines like “Get Astrology Approved Communication Cures”, “SOS: help our communication”, or “16 super sexy phrases to get him to fall in love with you again” can lure you in and get you thinking you’re really working on your relationship…
…you’re not.

That same magazine that that promises a magic cure to your communication is also going to have you flipping through the latest weight-loss fads, and what your best friend is saying about you behind your back. Lost in the advertising gimmicks of the magazine, you might even forget to read about the astrological cure to make your relationship better.
Instead of looking for communication help, within a few flipped pages, your self-esteem will be plummeting, and you will suddenly be looking for a weight loss, beauty, or anti-aging cure.
If you want practical communication strategies to help you work through issues, big and small, without blowups, I suggest skipping the magazine headlines and head straight to the checkout screen of Communication Cures.
By taking action you can get clarity around your future together, uncover if you can restore your friendship and laugh together again, and remind yourself of the beautiful relationship that brought you together in the first place.
Communication Cures is NOT for you if:
Domestic violence is present in your relationship.
You think the course will be a magic cure. It’s not, it requires time, effort, and practice to get results.
There is currently a relationship secret that your partner does not know about, like an affair or secret drug use.
You or your partner are currently experiencing an episode of severe mental illness.
(It may be suitable for people experiencing mild or moderate mental illness, or the mental illness is stable.)
By learning new skills, you can have conversations that are like food for your soul.
You and your partner can grow together.
Because each time you practice your new skills, you start to believe:
No matter the issue, your partner will listen to you, even if they disagree with the content.
Your partner shows interest in the things they know are important to you.
The behavior of your partner is predictable, even when they are upset.
Your partner will respond positively when you show vulnerability.
Communication Cures
Frequently Asked Questions
The information will likely be valuable to anyone in relationships. The education in the videos and many of the worksheets will still be applicable if you are doing the course alone. Most of the exercises are meant for the couple to do together. If you are doing it alone, you will not be able to do those parts. The section called “Conflict” has two communication guides that are meant to be practiced with your partner. However, you still might benefit from having an understanding of how to talk about an issue when you disagree or how to process a past fight. The section called “Connection” has exercises specific to your partner but you still might benefit from understanding how to create connection in your relationship.
It’s highly unlikely it will be covered by an insurance provider. If you want to check, reach out to your extended health care provider for details. Amber Dalsin is a Psychologist in the Province of Ontario.
The suggestions and resources will be based on general relationship knowledge, not specific relationship advice. Amber Dalsin cannot provide you with specific relationship advice as she will not have done a relationship assessment with you and cannot provide you with specific advice.
Yes. There is a 30-day money-back guarantee from your date of purchase. If you watched all the videos, completed all the worksheets, and tried the exercises and still didn’t think Communication Cures was helpful, email us within 30 days of purchase with all of your completed worksheets, and we will give you a full refund. To get the refund we will review your account to ensure you did watch all the videos, and we will require copies of all your completed worksheets. If you do not watch all the videos or complete all the worksheets you will not get a refund. Email team@emberrelationshippsychology.com with the subject line “refund”.
As a regulated health care provider, I cannot use testimonials. If you wish to learn more about Amber or Ember Relationship Psychology, try downloading a free guide first, listening to Relationship Psych-The Podcast, or check out our Instagram to determine if you think our skills can help you communicate better with your partner.