60. Rebuilding after an affair with Anthony Trucks

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An affair is like having a grenade go off in your marriage. Shockwaves stun you, the smoke makes your eyes water, while the shards tear apart your heart.

Eventually, the smoke and dust settle, and you are left to pick up the pieces.

Sometimes affairs end in healing and healthy relationships if the couple takes the time to clean up their relationship and rebuild.

Other times, couples decide there was too much destruction, so they move on.

If you’ve wondered if you can heal after an affair, or if your marriage can succeed after an affair, listen to this podcast.

Anthony Trucks courageously shares how an affair shattered his marriage, and what he and his wife did that allowed them to build an even better relationship.

About Anthony Trucks:

Anthony Trucks is a Former Foster Child, NFL Football Player, Competitor on American Ninja Warrior, Author, Life Coach and Entrepreneur.

From foster care to the NFL, to successful business owner, Anthony Trucks has accomplished what statistics would say is impossible.

As a speaker and success coach, Anthony teaches people how to design and build better lives and businesses by learning how to access the power of their identity to tap into their full potential and Make Shift Happen!

IG: https://www.instagram.com/anthonytrucks/?hl=en

New Book, Identity Shift: https://identityshiftbook.com/

This is not specific relationship advice and an assessment has not been done, so be sure to see a therapist in your area for specific advice for you. This podcast is for informational purposes only.


61. Fix Your Communication Fast - For Couples


59. 4 Tips To Help You In A Long-Distance Relationship