6. Stay in LOVE Through Lock-Down

Stay in LOVE Through Lock-Down  - Relationship Pscyh with Amber Dalsin

5 Conversations to remedy stay-at-home order fueled problems. 

"I thought love would be my cure, but now it's my disease." – Alicia Keyes, "Love Is My Disease". Don’t let this quote speak the truth for you.

Spending 24/7 with someone you adore can make even the greatest love turn to frustration. Learn how to transform irritations into productive conversations, so you can look at your partner with adoration in your eyes.

Do your best to make these conversations positive and productive. Stay away from pointing out what is wrong, blaming, criticizing, taking shots, defending, or withdrawing. Work to state your wishes and dreams as positive needs, not what you do not want.

Positive need: “I wish we could spend an hour together each day.”

Pointing out what is wrong is: “We don’t spend enough time together.”

In this podcast we discuss 5 conversations

  • 1. Alone vs. Together Time

  • 2. Rituals of Connection

  • 3. Expressing Appreciation

  • 4. Household Tasks

  • 5. Date Night

This podcast is not meant to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any medical, mental health, or relationship problem. Check with your health care provider before making changes. 


7. How To Create EMOTIONAL INTIMACY With Your Partner


5. 4 Doomed Communication Patterns