Sweet Nothings Examples

A cheat sheet of loving phrases  

by Amber Dalsin, M.Sc., C.Psych.


In TV and movies, I would hear people talk about whispering sweet nothings, but I didn’t know what it meant. Did you?

Only after becoming a couples therapist did I have a clearer understanding of what it meant to whisper a sweet nothing and how to do it.

Collins dictionary online defines a sweet nothing as “If someone whispers sweet nothings to you, they quietly say nice, loving, and flattering things to you.” I think sweet nothings could also be thought of as words of affirmation or expressing fondness and admiration for your partner.

Now that we know what a sweet nothing is, let's look at how to say nice and flattering things to someone you love.

There are 4 easy steps:

1. Speak your truth

2. Take small steps that feel comfortable

3. Use compliments

4. Share memories

If finding the right words feels hard for you, here are some examples to get you started:

  • I would pick you again and again

  • You make me believe in happily ever after

  • Meeting you made me believe in forever

  • You are so beautiful/handsome

  • I love how you feel

  • I feel at home in your arms

  • Next to you, that’s where I belong

  • Home is with you

  • I love you

  • Remember when we ____, that’s the moment I knew I loved you

  • I’ll never forget ____, you looked so beautiful/handsome.

  • On our first date I remember thinking _____, and that hasn’t changed

  • I love your kisses

  • Your hugs are my favorite

  • You’re my safe place

  • I adore you

  • My sweetheart

  • You take my breath away

  • You dazzle every room you walk into

  • You’re a breath of fresh air

  • My soul loves your soul

Now you have some sweet nothing examples. Make a list of a few and give them a try. See what happens.

Why some people struggle to say sweet nothings

Many people think these nice things about their partners but have a hard time communicating them. Maybe you grew up in a family that didn’t share words of affirmation, emotions make you uncomfortable, you felt smothered by them in a past relationship, or expressing these feels too vulnerable for you. If this seems familiar it’s no wonder expressing a sweet nothing is hard for you.

If communication is hard, choose one or two that feel kind-of comfortable, or at least bearable and try those. If you say them and it goes okay, try one that is slightly outside your comfort zone and see how it goes.

For more on sweet nothings, listen to Relationship Psych - The Podcast, Episode 8 How to Whisper Sweet Nothings.

This blog is not meant to be a substitute for couples therapy or relationship counselling. This should not be construed as specific advice. See a relationship therapist in your area to address your specific problems. 


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