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Amber Dalsin Amber Dalsin

Listening: 5 Essential Tips 

How to become a better listener

Listening is not just about words hitting your eardrums; it's about building love and trust with your partner.

Have you ever thought...

  • I want a more peaceful relationship

  • I want to be heard

  • I wish I was understood

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Amber Dalsin Amber Dalsin

Sweet Nothings Examples

here are some examples to get you started:

I would pick you again and again

You make me believe in happily ever after

Meeting you made me believe in forever

You are so beautiful/handsome

I love how you feel

I feel at home in your arms

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Amber Dalsin Amber Dalsin

6 Ways to Become a Better Listener

One of the hardest skills to master in a relationship is listening. Maybe you pick up your phone or jump in when someone is talking and tell them a related story about yourself before they are done, or try to solve your partner’s problem when they haven’t asked for advice. Well, here are some practical tools to help you be a better listener.

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 Why Read theBlog?

For the hopeless romantic who needs help keeping the romance alive. The goal of the blog is to bring you bite-sized topics that bridge the art and science of relationships.

The blog is for couples who want a better relationship and don’t know where to start. If your relationship still has glowing embers and you want to heat them up, this is a simple way to put a little gas on the fire.