3. ARGUING and Keeping Your Relationship INTACT

ARGUING and Keeping Your Relationship INTACT - Relationship Pscyh with Amber Dalsin

Do conflict like your partner is someone you love.

“Wishes are thorns, he told himself sharply. They do us no good, just stick into our skin and hurt us.” ―A Face Like Glass, Frances Hardinge

Call them wishes or expectations, when they don’t come true they hurt. It’s okay to have expectations, but they also require flexibility and disappointment.

Why do we argue?

Arguing is a normal part of relationships, the goal is understanding.

Why arguments continue

Do arguments like your partner is someone you love.

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This podcast is not meant to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any medical or mental health condition. check with your health care provider before making changes. 


4. 6 Tips to Help Your Partner Through Cabin Fever


2. HELP, My Partner is Driving Me Crazy!