38. Improve Your Communication Skills with Your Partner
Discover how to express your inner feelings without pushing your partner away.
(and even hear their inner feelings too).
I have seen too many couples feel like they are living parallel lives with their partners.
Many couples feel lonely in their marriage and feel like it should be easier.
I get what it’s like to be drifting apart without a clear way to steer the ships back together.
By hitting the relationship research and truly doing my best to put the theory into practice, I have transformed by own relationship and what to give you the tools to do that too. In this episode we discuss:
Instead to improve your communication here are some steps you can take.
5 Steps to Communicate with Your Partner
1. Look at timing.
2. Work on being a great listener
3. Communicate back what you have heard
4. Ask questions
5. When your partner is done share your point of view.
Remember there are always different ways to look at things.
To improve your communication take time to practice.
Guide mentioned in podcast - emotional intimacy cheat sheet. It’s a guide to help you create a speaker-listener exercise with your partner, with done for you questions to ask your partner so you can practice your skills.
Click here to get your copy of the emotional intimacy cheat sheet so you can try this out for yourself.
This will help you develop the tools to create connection.
That way you can stop living in a lonely relationship, that feels like you keep drifting farther apart.
Instead learn what it's like to cultivate connection, feel respected and like what you have to say really matters.
Until next time remember communication with your partner is really a skill so keep practicing.
This podcast is for informational purposes only.
Host- Amber Dalsin is a psychologist and couples therapist in Mississauga Ontario.
This podcast is not meant to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any medical, mental or relationship issue. Seek out a local couples therapist in your area to see if this information is right for your relationship.