10. If We Are HARD WIRED Differently, Are We Destined For Divorce?

If We Are HARD WIRED Differently, Are We Destined For Divorce? - Relationship Pscyh with Amber Dalsin

What does it mean about you if you and your partner are very different?

In this podcast we discuss differences in relationships. Some topics include:

Being different than your partner


Feeling invisible and taken for granted

The movie The Darkest Hour and lessons from Clementine.

How to accept your partner’s negative qualities.

This podcast is not meant to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure mental health or relational issues. For Treatment, talk a mental health or relationship professional in your area for advice specific to your relationship.


11. 4 Point Road Map To Increase Sexual Satisfaction In Your Relationship


9. My Partner Pulls Away Under Stress, HELP