9. My Partner Pulls Away Under Stress, HELP

My Partner Pulls Away Under Stress, HELP - Relationship Pscyh with Amber Dalsin

My Partner Pulls Away and it HURTS. Help.

How to deal with a partner that pulls away when they are under pressure.

In this episode we are going to be discussing some over-generalizations about how men and women typically do conflict and deal with emotions. Surely this is not the case of all women and all men, and in same sex couples it may look a little bit different, but some patterns will also be the same. Most of the literature comes from research on heterosexual couples.

This podcast is not meant to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure mental health or relational issues. For Treatment, talk a mental health or relationship professional in your area for advice specific to your relationship.


10. If We Are HARD WIRED Differently, Are We Destined For Divorce?


8. How to Whisper SWEET NOTHINGS